Your data,
your rules.

Your personal data deserves a safe space. A place to call home, where you can safely store, easily control, and unlock your data’s most valuable potential. Enter, Vana.

Ring illustration A blue nike shoes illustration Ring illustration  blue o'clock illustration

Your data is so much more than just bytes.

Today, data is as valuable as oil. Or better, clean energy. Having all your data under one roof means it’s way easier to get the most out of it. Here are three ways how.

Data shared means money earned.

In the Vana marketplace you can directly rent or sell your data in exchange for cash. On your own terms decide how, when, and by who your data is used and get some bang for your buck. (In this case, bang meaning cash and buck meaning data).

Your data is your passport.

Your data is unique to you, and only you. And with Vana, it leaves your vault on your terms. Only yours—meaning, you can bring your data with you across the world wide web and get better digital experiences, tailored to you.

Look into the data mirror.

Your data says a lot about you. And luckily, we can help you track and get insights from it. From one-too-many uber trips to unnecessary food deliveries — Vana can teach you more about yourself to improve yourself.

So, how does Vana work?

  • 01. Store

    Create your Vault.

    Your new data experience starts with the Vana Vault, your secure place to keep all of your valuable data. Create your Vault and start reclaiming your data today.

    illustration of some keys with multiple colours like yellow, red, blue
  • 02. Explore

    Explore possibilities.

    Now that your data is safe and secure in one place, what you do with it is up to you. Take it across the internet for a ride? Grant access to data scientists? Rent or sell it to the highest bidder? You’re now in control of who can use it, how, and when. Always private, of course. Remember, your data is private. Until you decide otherwise.

    red hand illustration with rings
  • 03. Play

    Your data, your rules.

    You're ready to take on the world. Take the data in your Vault and use it with Vana applications. You could be discovering your optimal sleep patterns, participating in research to hack human happiness, or creating digitally generated artwork. Whatever it is, you get to decide where your data goes.

    illustration of one balloon with multiple colours like yellow, red, blue

Turn your
cookies Spotify playlists Uber trips daily steps
dough travel recommendations carbon neutral travel cash

It’s a two-way street.

Data is market power. And as a result of giving individuals back control of their data, we help companies get valuable information, distributing an even flow of market power and breaking up the current data monopoly. Talk about leveling the playing field.

Train more effective ML models

Yes you, data scientist – we’re talking to you. More effective datasets plus easier accessibility equals better-trained machine learning models. It’s simple math. By directly partnering with data creators, data scientists now have the opportunity to unleash the predictive value of data.

Kiss data silos goodbye.

Your data is unique to you, and only you. And with Vana, it leaves your vault on your terms. Only yours—meaning, you can bring your data with you across the world wide web and get better digital experiences, tailored to you.

Explore the data →

Look into the data mirror.

Allow users to bring their data to your applications, without breaking a sweat worrying about the regulatory burden of storing personal data.

Start building →

You have questions.
We have answers.

Reclaim your data from current siloed services, such as Facebook and Amazon, and store it in the Vana Vault. From there, you can bring it to the marketplace to make money (yes, believe it or not!) by renting and selling it to different services. You can also gain useful insights about yourself based on your data, and allow it to move from platform to platform.

Reclaim your data from current siloed services, such as Facebook and Amazon, and store it in the Vana Vault. From there, you can bring it to the marketplace to make money (yes, believe it or not!) by renting and selling it to different services. You can also gain useful insights about yourself based on your data, and allow it to move from platform to platform.

All data is valuable. Everything that you generate digitally, such as text, location data, biometric data, and network data, is fully owned by you. With Vana, you’re able to take back your data, secure it in your vault, and access predictions that companies make about you. (What? You didn’t know you were labeled a night owl? Who says you’re a coffee snob?)

Yes, you do. Currently, your data is held by the companies whose services you use, such as TikTok, Facebook, and Google Maps. If you use any services like those mentioned above – you have tons of data to go around (and reclaim.)

Home is
where the
data is.